BDO commits funding to Razon’s Wawa bid

The Razon Group’s Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project has secured full financial support from the country’s biggest lender BDO universal bank, affirming the bank’s commitment to sustainability.

BDO Unibank said it provided the required financing to the Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project of Wawa JVCo which is a subsidiary of Razon Group’s infrastructure arm Prime Infra as part of its effort to shape a more sustainable future.

Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project aims to help solve the periodic water shortage in Metro Manila and Rizal.

It is also designed to address flooding problems in downstream communities caused by typhoons and protect the eastern part of Metro Manila and lower areas in Rizal, Marikina and Pasig.

The Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project is attuned to the purpose of Prime Infra in uplifting the lives of Filipinos through infrastructure that generates social and economic benefits to communities near it.

With the scale of Wawa project, Prime Infra through Wawa JVCo ensures that sustainability and innovative practices are integrated such as environmental conservation and preservation of the reservoir where it draws water.

Long partnership
“The Razon Group has long-time dealings with BDO. We highly value our relationship with BDO and continue to accord the bank a significant portion of our business,” Guillaume Lucci, president and CEO of Prime Infrastructure Capital Inc, said.

BDO Unibank is committed to promoting a more sustainable environment and water use efficiency, and will continue to fund infrastructure projects to provide livelihood, create opportunities and contribute to the nation’s progress.

The bank said its unwavering support to these initiatives complement the government’s push in accelerating economic growth.

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