Romualdez commits reform bills’ passage

Speaker Ferdinand Romualdez guaranteed to members of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry the passage of measures crucial to the recovery efforts, job creation, and the long-term progress of the economy within the next three years.

Topping the proposed measures that need prioritization that was submitted by the PCCI headed by its president, George Barcelon, are measures to strengthen the country’s fiscal sustainability to continue and accelerate economic and social development projects, including Packages 3 (Property Valuation and Assessment) and 4 (Passive Income and Financial Intermediation Act) of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program, the Capital Market Development Act.

Besides these, proposals that focus on the country’s natural resources, which it could develop for their potential to encourage investments and provide livelihood in the rural areas, and reduce poverty,
were submitted such as the Successful Farmers Development Act, amending the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, the Tree-Growing Act, and the amendment or repeal of the ASIN Act.

Wider Internet access
PCCI also proposed for the House to pass laws that will broaden Internet access and ensure quality, available and affordable broadband connectivity, namely the Open Access in Data Transmission Act, Better Internet Act, Rural Wired Development Act, Satellite-based Technologies Promotion Act and the Philippine Spectrum Management Act.

And to bring down shipping costs, PCCI said measures such as the International Maritime Trade Act and Philippine Ports Authority Act Amendment should be passed into law.

Barcelon said his group was also assured by Speaker Romualdez that the business sector will be consulted in crafting laws related to trade and commerce, vowing to hear all relevant stakeholders before passing any legislation.

Likewise, Barcelon also assured the readiness of the PCCI to collaborate with the government on reform measures that would boost and strengthen the country’s economic, social and health sectors.

The meeting between Romualdez and officials of the PCCI transpired last 4 August, in which the House leader vowed to enact 10 proposed measures within his tenure.

The office of Speaker Romualdez, on the other hand, cannot provide further information about the said meeting.

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