Youth urged: Take TESDA agri-related training courses

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority is calling on the youth to engage in the agriculture sector and avail agriculture-related training courses especially on modern rice farming.

TESDA deputy director general Aniceto Bertiz III said that young people in the urban and rural areas should take rice farming courses since the agency has produced more trainees from its agriculture-related skills training courses.

The agriculture sector is one of the priority sectors of TESDA as identified in the National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan 2018-2022.

Bertiz added that the agency has been providing scholarship programs on rice farming under the Program on Accelerating Farm School Establishment and Rice Extension Services Program.

The PAFSE is being implemented as part of TESDA’s enterprise-based training or “EBT to the Max” initiative to promote the proliferation of farm schools, and the use of a “farmer to farmer, learning by doing” methodology.

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