Visit Phl, BBM tells Kissinger

NEW YORK CITY — “A success” was how President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. described his six-day working visit to the United States of America to attend the United Nations General Assembly and meet several world and business leaders.

The President said he was “satisfied” and “very happy” with the outcome of his trip, saying he was able to meet state leaders and potential investors.

Marcos met reporters covering his trip hours before ending his US trip Friday evening (Saturday morning in Manila) as he departed the Big Apple.

“Overall, I can say that I consider the trip a success, and overall I am satisfied with the work that we have done,” he added.

Despite having a full schedule for the whole day, Marcos was zestful when he appeared before the media at 7 p.m. on Friday.

Aside from the pre-scheduled formal meetings, the President said he also met King Abdullah II of Jordan and French President Emmanuel Macron spontaneously.

Marcos also recalled meeting senior executives of American companies to encourage them to invest in the Philippines.

He disclosed meeting former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger saying the meeting was “very satisfying.” He said he invited Kissinger to visit Manila to see the changes since he last visited the country.

“It was a very warm meeting and it was nice to see the affection that had developed between Dr. Kissinger and not only my parents but the Philippines,” he added.

On a personal level, Marcos said he was happy to return to New York City, where he met his wife, First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos, for the first time.

“I’ve always enjoyed the city. I’ve always loved being in New York. There’s this vibe in New York that you cannot feel anywhere else in the world,” he said.

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