2 nabbed for sex raps

Manila policemen collared two men wanted for rape and acts of lasciviousness in operations in Pasay City and in Sampaloc, Manila over the weekend, reports reaching Manila Police District chief P/Brig. Gen. Andre Dizon showed.

First to fall was John Robin Padilla, 31, as he was nabbed in front of the Pasay City General Hospital. Padilla is 3 No. most wanted at the station level, P/Lt. Harry Lorenzo said.

He was arrested on the strength of a warrant issued by Pasay City Regional Trial Court Judge Jehan Hassiman to face a complaint for rape filed last 20 September.

Lorenzo’s group then proceeded to Sampaloc, Manila where they arrested Cecilio Bongat, 50, along Moret Street.

He was arrested based on the warrant issued by Judge Mariesther Vedana, Regional Trial Court Branch 48 of Manila, for charges of acts of lasciviousness.

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