Over 4K PNP slots granted to MNLF

ISABELA CITY — The national government has approved an initial enlistment of 4,000 in the Philippine National Police to former members of the Moro National Liberation Front or their kin operating in 599 MNLF camps in Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan.

Bangsamoro Armed Forces Chief of Staff Shariff Edjal Alimuddin disclosed that the government granted the MNLF the initial enlistment quota to the PNP with their corresponding budget allocation.

“I asked the government to grant the MNLF 11,431 enlistment to the PNP for our 599 recognized MNLF camps in MinSuPala,” Alumiddin said.

“We are lucky enough because the government has granted me an initial of 4,000 patrolman post in the PNP,” he added.

The BAF official also said that he immediately prepared the necessary documentation for submission to the Department of Budget and Management and said that one of the vital documents he submitted was a request for an immediate release of funds for the training of the 4,000 new policemen with the rank of patrolman.

“I would like to request for the appropriation fund of the approved PNP quota for the MNLF with reference number 2022-OS-0066676-E that will eventually be released to the different training center for the whole duration of the training,” said Alimuddin in his letter to the DBM.

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