PNP assures judiciary’s safety

Following a warning from the Supreme Court against those who red-tag and threaten violence against judges and their families, the Philippine National Police assured it is committed to undertake measures to protect the citizenry, including the members of our judiciary, against threats, intimidation and crimes, including those perpetrated through the Internet and various social media platforms.

On Tuesday, the SC warned that a fine, imprisonment or both will be imposed on “those who continue to incite violence through social media and other means which endanger the lives of judges and their families.”

It tackled motu proprio during a full court session the social media posts of Loraine Marie Badoy, former spokesperson of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict, against Manila Regional Trial Court Judge Marlo A. Magdoza-Malagar.

Magdoza-Malagar faced social media attacks after dismissing the case seeking to declare the Communist Party of the Philippines and New People’s Army as terrorist groups.

P/Brig. Gen. Roderick Alba, PNP Public Information Office chief, yesterday said, “We, therefore, assure the Supreme Court and the public that the PNP will always be on the side of the law and ensure the safety and security of the honorable members of the court to enable them to promulgate decisions without fear of reprisal or retribution.”

“As part of our efforts to establish greater collaboration with the legislative branch, the Anti-Cybercrime Group’s Regional Anti-Cybercrime Unit chiefs and District Anti-Cybercrime team leaders will also be rendering courtesy calls to judges and prosecutors in their respective areas of responsibility to offer the ACG’s assistance and provide lectures on cyber awareness,” he added.

Meanwhile, Brian Keith F. Osaka, SC spokesperson and chief of the Public Information Office, in a statement said, “The Supreme Court thanks the PNP for its statement that it will protect members of the judiciary from whatever threats and intimidation even on social media.”

Osaka said the High Bench expresses hopes the investigations started by the PNP on threats against judges be terminated.

“It is very important that members of the judiciary are free from threats to assure them that they can hand down decisions according to the laws and without partiality. Thank you to all members of the PNP.” WITH Alvin Murcia @tribunephl_alvi

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