BI nabs UK man for running child porn

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) personnel arrested a 64 year old man, who was previously convicted for being a sex offender for allegedly operating a child sex website in the Philippines.

The suspect was identified as John Crotty, British, who was arrested on 15 September, at his rented house in Tangub City, Misamis Occidental, by agents of the BI’s Fugitive Search Unit and Intelligence Division in collaboration with the Tangub City Police.

According to BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco, Crotty is also being investigated for allegedly pirating movies.

The authorities also have evidence he was circulating obscene images of young Filipino women on his website and social media accounts.

Crotty was jailed for six years in the UK for being a sex offender then he went to the Philippines when he got out of jail.

“The arrest followed after receiving official communication from British authorities informing us that Crotty became the subject of an Interpol green notice that was issued last February 21,” according to BI Intelligence Chief Fortunato Manahan Jr.

Manahan further explained that Crotty has been hiding in the Philippines since February 6, 2022, when he arrived as a tourist and did not renew his visa.

Crotty is now on the BI blacklist and is not allowed to re-enter the country.

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