Lady cops deliver bouncing baby boy

Three Manila policewomen played midwives to help a 17-year-old safely deliver her baby Thursday in Sta. Ana, Manila, P/Maj. Philipp Ines of the Manila Police District public information office said Friday.

The three lady cops and the pregnant woman were forced to use a police mobile car as a “delivery room” after they were caught up in heavy road traffic as they were going to the hospital.

Earlier, the live-in partner of “Mina” sought help at MPD police station 6 for a ride to a hospital.

Ines identified the midwives-cum-cops as P/Cpls. Michelle Manalo, Anne Clarice Ignacio and Karen Jane Tula.

After the successful delivery of the baby boy inside the car, they then proceeded to the Sta. Ana Hospital so the baby and mother can be attended to by doctors, and the newborn’s umbilical cord can be cut.

Meanwhile, Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna said she would ask the city health department to also provide oral health care support for residents of the capital city.

Lacuna said the program “Orally Fit Manilenyo” aims to push the practice of oral hygiene among the people with corresponding dental support from the city.

As part of the program, six students from various public schools in the city were provided with free braces.

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