Students’ guide to in-person classes

For students, face-to-face classes can be exciting yet equally unnerving.

Just like adjusting to online learning setup, being back in a classroom and learning alongside your friends and classmates after two years of just modules and video calls can require some getting used to.

Here are some tips:

Follow health and safety protocols. It’s important to remember that the Covid-19 pandemic is still very much present.

Observing social distancing and mask protocols when going to and from school and on campus not only promote your own safety but your classmates, teachers and family as well.

Double check essentials. Before your first day back, make sure you have all that you need for class to avoid any inconvenience. Two years of learning from home is definitely a long time so there can be things that you might overlook.

This also applies to uniforms and dress codes in your school. Of course, don’t forget to have your vaccination card with you at all times as well as extra masks and sanitizers.

Stay healthy. Make sure that your body is ready for the sudden changes in your daily routine. It’s important to boost your immune system by staying hydrated, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

Prepare your mind. When you’re feeling anxious about the idea of coming back to campus, take time to recenter yourself and refocus on your goals. Jotting down your thoughts and talking with your peers can help. Remember, a healthy and happy mind is a key to effective learning and productivity.

Make the most of it. Be more active and participative in class, join activities in line with your interests, and enjoy the rest of your journey as a student.

STI College ensures a safe return for its students in all of its campuses nationwide by strictly abiding with the mandates of local health authorities, the Department of Education, the Commission on Higher Education, and the IATF.

All STI students and personnel are required to observe mandatory campus health and safety protocols such as body temperature monitoring, mask wearing policy, and contact tracing. In addition, workspaces and common areas are regularly disinfected and school laboratories have enhanced ventilation to mitigate the spread of the virus. All school teachers and staff have been completely vaccinated against Covid-19.

To provide a more holistic learning experience for its students and mold future-ready graduates, STI College continues to utilize the ONE STI Learning Model, an education framework that combines online tools and technology with onsite or on-campus hands-on training to fulfill the various learning needs of students across the country.

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