Go open to medical marijuana use

Senator and chair of the Senate Committee on Health Christopher “Bong” Go indicated an openness to the use of medical marijuana in the Philippines during a public hearing on the budgets of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and Dangerous Drugs Board on Wednesday, 28 September.

Go said that the Senate Committee on Health will hold a separate hearing to discuss matters relating to medical marijuana, including regulations, and will also summon the aforementioned agencies as well as other law enforcement agencies.

Go noted that former president Rodrigo Duterte has previously expressed openness for the use of medical marijuana in the Philippines and added that it is a less expensive option for medical treatment.

He said that a thorough study of the measure will be conducted in order to ensure proper use and how to help patients who require treatment through medical marijuana.

During the hearing, Go stressed the need for the government to continue the fight against dangerous drugs and prioritize the safety and welfare of Filipinos as he gave his support for the plans and programs of the PDEA and DDB. He also agreed that the drug problem must be addressed through prevention and rehabilitation.

In relation to this, Go filed Senate Bil 428 that will establish a drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation center in every province. The Commission on Human Rights has expressed support to the senator’s initiative.

Under the proposed measure, a drug rehabilitation center is required to be established in every province, under the supervision of the Department of Health.

The center shall provide care, treatment and accommodation to drug dependents; enhance their physical, psychological and social capability to cope with common problems; and provide after-care, follow-up and social reintegration services, among others.

“Drug addicts should be treated as victims in desperate need of medical, psychological, and spiritual assistance, with the goal of reintegrating back into society as healthy and productive citizens,” said Go in his previous pronouncements.

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