Online education platform gets BoI approval

The Board of Investment greenlighted the P47-million Tagpros Education OPC’s Learning Management Systems Platform project as a new creative industry/knowledge-based service provider under Tier I of the Strategic Investment Priority Plan of the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act.

The company last month received its certificate of registration from the BoI.

The LMS Platform is a software application (Software as a Service

–SaaS) that enables holding online tutorial classes for students worldwide in partnership with Filipino teachers/educators. It is accessible via personal computers, laptops and mobile devices.

The platform enhances students’ learning activities as LMS could allow them to learn anytime and anywhere and provide them access to courses whenever needed, rather than during a set time, enabling them to learn at their own pace and get the most out of their education.

Tagpros has invested P46.7 million for the LMS project based at the University of the Philippines, Diliman Campus, which is now in operation, employing (direct and indirect) about 874 personnel, the majority of which are teachers.

The firm’s primary revenue stream will be derived from the LMS fees, 70 percent of which will be received by partner teachers, while the remaining 30 percent will be the share of Tagpros.

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