Crystal Jacinto — Pioneering entrepreneur, outstanding socio-civic leader, and dedicated family woman

For the longest time, Crystal Jacinto has been the owner-chief executive of various businesses including a beauty salon at Dusit Thani Manila, a playhouse for kids, a trading firm, an aesthetics clinic, and a distributorship for Bangkok-sourced bags.

Only recently, she inaugurated her latest enterprise, the European Wellness Villa Medica Manila Premier Center which specializes in both preventive and regenerative medicine. It is a pioneering establishment that offers an alternative approach for anti-aging, aesthetic, and whole-life disease management.

This ground-breaking establishment is located on the second floor of Newport Mall at Resorts World Manila, Pasay City.

Elegance becomes Crystal.

The approach of EW Villa Medica, Crystal said in an interview, is anchored on a holistic wellness and rejuvenation concept based on the knowledge and effectiveness of Swiss Biological Medicine and biomolecural therapy.

Sharing her club’s commitment to help children living in distant villages.

One could easily assume that Crystal, a Business Management alumna of the University of Asia and the Pacific, best exemplifies an EW Villa Medica client who has undergone a select list of its services and processes. Lovely, statuesque, articulate, and personable, Crystal is without a doubt Villa Medica’s best ambassador. Add to her attractive physical attributes her captivating presence, and you have someone who is “beautiful inside and out,” to use an oft-repeated phrase which, in her case, is accurate.

Most valuable club woman.

Outside of her entrepreneurial involvements, which includes a directorship in a Singapore-based energy company, Crystal has dedicated herself to contributing to the enrichment of the lives of children in need. She is the president of the Philippine Foundation for Tomorrow’s Good Children which provides educational assistance to needy but deserving children.

“A priority activity of our foundation is to travel to far places where we can bring happiness and goodwill, as well as material assistance to children who are sometimes forgotten by society because they live in remote areas,” explains Crystal, who is a former president of the Ayala Amity Lions Club, under whose term in 2018 and 2019 she was awarded by their Lions District as the Best President of the Year and Lion of the Year. Ayala Amity was also declared as the Best Club of the Year.

Photographs courtesy of Crystal Jacinto
Her family’s well-being is a top priority.

Daily Tribune had the pleasure of interviewing Crystal, who allowed us a glimpse into her life as a woman of achievement.

Daily Tribune (DT): What is your management style as an entrepreneur?
Crystal Jacinto (CJ): My goal is always to deliver what our clients need to receive. I do not look at myself as just as businesswoman but also as a team player. I make sure that the business is running smoothly.

DT: What were your passions and interests as a young girl?
CJ: In school, my favorite subjects were English and Mathematics. Outside of school, my playmates and I would play “make believe” and I always volunteered to be a businesswoman.

DT: What is a typical day for you?
CJ: My first goal for the day is to take good care of my family. Then I check if my business is running smoothly. I also have a daily work-out at home. And I make sure to have time to meet my friends.

DT: What are your morning beauty rituals?
CJ: As soon as I wake up, I drink warm water with a squeeze of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Then after 20 minutes I have my coffee with a newspaper.

DT: What do you eat for breakfast?
CJ: My coffee normally is served with two cookies so most of the time I have lunch already for a complete meal.

DT: How do you keep fit?
CJ: Aside from my daily workout at home, I make sure to go to EW Villa Medica for my treatments. This is a must despite my busy schedule.

DT: How are you as a wife?
CJ: I may not say that I am a perfect wife, but I can proudly say that I am the best wife. Since my husband and I are very busy with our businesses, I make sure that every time we are together, I make the most out of it. I personally take care of his needs, meals, and even medicines. We find time for a good conversation even talking about small things which gives us more opportunity to be closer to each other.

DT: How are you as a mother?
CJ: I practice balance. I am a disciplinarian and at the same time tolerant. I want my kids to learn the value of everything, and I encourage both discipline and positive outlook. But, of course, I also love to do things that would make my kids happy.

DT: What is your favorite international destination?
CJ: Europe, I love its romantic places and I enjoy most my travel when I am with my husband and my children.

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