Police tracing owner of parked SUV

The Southern Police District is now tracing the ownership of the Sports Utility Vehicle parked near the gate of BF Resort Village where broadcast journalist Percy Lapid (Percival Mabasa) was ambushed last Monday.

Lapid’s family told police they saw two men wearing bull caps who were onboard the SUV that was parked at the subdivision gate before Lapid was fired at by two men riding in a motorcycle.

Footage from Lapid’s dashboard camera showed the SUV leaving the crime scene when the two gunmen on a motorcycle started firing at Lapid.

P/Col. Kirby John Brion Kraft, acting SPD Director, said the copy of the video obtained by the police is now part of the evidence of the case.

He also said they still have to establish the identity of the suspects as well as their motive behind Lapid’s killing.

Cross-matching will be conducted by the police with other shooting incidents after a ballistic examination found that the firearm used by the suspects on Lapid was a .45 caliber pistol.

Roy Mabasa, brother of the victim, is asking the public who witnessed the incident to help the police in the investigation.

Mabasa said their family is grateful to Department of the Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos for his offer of P500,000 to those who could provide information on the shooting.

“Just the same, all this reward will mean nothing if our kababayan’s will not cooperate or help in identifying those involved,” said Mabasa.

“I really believed that there are many good hearted people around that are ready to help the family of Ka Percy so as to resolve this case,” he said.

Mabasa, also a journalist, added that they are very thankful to the offer of Abalos to talk to Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla in order for the National Bureau of Investigation to have its own investigation of the case.

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