Going digital: The future for Phl MSME

There is no better time for micro, small, and medium enterprises to go digital than today. With the rise of digital banks and social media e-commerce store integrations, it’s no secret that the next business strategy is to go digital.

MSMEs should also level up their digital game and transform how they conduct business.

“Philippine SMEs may have a small name, but they make up for it in sheer bulk and their significant impact on the economy of the nation,” SunFish DataOn Philippines, Inc. CEO Sri Coles, said.

“More than 2.5 million jobs have been created by SMEs alone in the Philippines, demonstrating the importance of these businesses to the progress of the country. It is essential that SMEs go digital as the country expands its technological capabilities and digital capacities,” he added.

Many MSMEs already had to invest in digital tools and programs to ensure business continuity while securing the health and safety of their workforce. One is to reduce their on-site employees.

Their human resources departments quickly implemented digital changes and enforced a work-from-home setup. Such changes include providing hardware and software that enables employees to work remotely, premium accounts to video conferencing platforms, and an employee attendance tracker.

This shift to efficient digital systems begins with the organization’s HR department. The HR team plays a crucial role in adopting digital processes and programs that will benefit the entire organization and its workforce.

In fact, digital transformation should start with them. Employee data collection and management, payroll services, and employee engagement are key areas that have to immediately undergo a digital transformation so that a complete transition to a hybrid work setup will be seamless.

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