Deeper meaning of ‘Lord’s Prayer’

So, how did Edgar Cayce explain the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer? According to him, it is really a formula given to mankind by Jesus Christ to connect us to our spiritual nature.

Each portion of the Lord’s Prayer refers to the seven psychic centers of man, or chakras, which correspond to the seven endocrine glands, and which must be stimulated to enable us to attain higher consciousness.

Here, then, is Edgar Cayce’s interpretation of the Lord’s prayer, line by line:

“Our Father, who art in Heaven.”

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Each portion of the Lord’s Prayer refers to the seven psychic centers of man, or chakras.

The Father refers to the pituitary gland, the spiritual center from which the “Father” within emanates.

“Hallowed be Thy name.”

The name resides in the pineal gland, also known as the Third Eye.

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CHRIST is in the spirit of us.

This refers to the power of the Christ spirit within man. The name, which is above every other name, emanates from the pineal gland. Esoteric literature says that the pineal gland is the seat of telepathic powers in man.

“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

The will stimulates the thyroid gland; not until God’s will becomes our will, not until we recognize the Cosmic Law, which says, “As above, so below,” would God’s Kingdom come for us.

“Give us this day our daily bread.”

Bread is strength, and refers to the gonads, or the sexual region of man’s body. This gland is the center of the life-giving force, according to Cayce.

“And forgive us our debts (or trespasses), as we forgive our debtors (those who trespass against us).”

This refers to the solar plexus, the rest of the balancing forces in man, as indicated in the phrase, “forgiveness of sins.” It refers to universal justice to Karma.

We are completely balanced if we are able to sincerely forgive all the petty, mundane things that annoy us. This portion of the prayer helps to remind us to maintain our cool (balance) at all times.

“Lead us not into temptation.”

Temptation, here, refers to the lyden gland. This gland, which was often referred to by Edgar Cayce, could not be exactly pinpointed, because the term “lyden” is not found in any textbook of human anatomy, or physiology. Most likely, it refers to the adrenal gland.

“Deliver us from evil.”

Evil refers to the thymus gland. This is the area near to, or surrounding the heart. The heart is the seat of love, or divine love. It is contrary to evil, hatred. What is asked here is to protect us from evil, from the deceits of the heart.

“For Thine is the Kingdom.”

This, again, refers to the thyroid gland, to the will of God, the Father, to which we must all attune our will.

“And the Power.”

This, again, refers to the pineal gland, the name that is all powerful and above which there is no other that is the Christ spirit in us.

“And the Glory forever.”

This completes the cycle back to the pituitary gland, from where the prayer began. The glory refers to the Father in Heaven, i.e., the reality of God within man.

In that very short prayer, Jesus Christ gave us the most powerful, the most useful, and the most complete technique of reaching and stimulating our higher levels. Jesus knew what human beings needed to know for their souls to survive.

This new and esoteric interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer will never be accepted by the Catholic Pope or by any Christian Church. This is understandable. Each of them has already made up their minds as to the ‘proper and correct’ interpretation of Christ’s teachings.

They have every right to impose this to their followers and members. But they do not have the right to impose it on others. We do not have to accept only their own interpretation of Christ’s teachings.
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