‘Fake’ permit inspector collared

Operatives of the Manila Police District police station at Raxabago and the MPD Special Mayors’ Reaction Team arrested on Thursday a man accused of posing as a business permit inspector.

The apprehended suspect was identified as Antonio Roda, alias Carlito Capco, 64, a resident of Barangay 105, Pasay City.

A warrant against Roda was issued by Manila Trial Court Branch 19 for violation of Article 177 of the Revised Penal Code on usurpation of authority, estafa, and falsification of documents.

The suspect was identified by the police as the man in a video that has gone viral on social media, in which he identified himself as Albert Torres, a business permit inspector.

He was accused of victimizing traders in the Binondo district of Manila. He was found to have pending cases of estafa and swindling unrelated to the video.

The suspect was detained at the MPD SMaRT holding cell pending the processing of the complaints against him.

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