A wellness chat with Dr. Omar Arabia

In the course of my wellness advocacy, I have met and interviewed countless physicians, fitness experts, and health professionals. All of them have contributed to satisfy my voracious appetite for knowledge through their own recognized expertise and experience. One name is memorable for he has provided me with many insights into the complexity and unity of the individual as body, mind, and spirit. He is Dr. Omar Arabia, a doctor of integrative and regenerative medicine and owner of the Paracelsus Integrative Medical Clinic. In summary, this is what he shared with me.

On healing: “Everyone has the power to heal. It must begin with the self. Before physical healing can take place, inner peace must prevail. Therefore, it is vital for the individual to be ready and willing to forgive whatever hurt, pain, bitterness one has undergone in the past. Letting go of the past unburdens the spirit. The immediate effect is one of relief and a lightness of being. This paves the way for the healing of the body. Human beings are composed of three aspects that together contribute to the oneness of the person. And these aspects must converge in a place of serenity. Being prayerful helps and having an active spiritual life ensures that one is prepared for complete healing. What burdens the heart and mind also burdens the body. One must never forget this truth.

Photograph courtesy of unsplash/klara kulikova
having cucumber in your green juice is great for cleansing.

On letting go: “It takes practice but above all it requires willpower to make a decision to move on. It is no longer important to win an argument or to be right. Your peace of mind is more valuable. This holds true, especially if one has an ailment. If you learn how to pause every time you are faced with a challenge or problem, then nothing can faze you. You pause by taking a deep breath, exhaling unhurriedly, then taking a step back to look at the problem objectively. Controlling your emotions and choosing to be calm is a wiser decision than losing control and losing one’s temper. Letting go of anger is a form of self-control. It means walking away from self-violence. It is important to know that every time you lose your temper, your heart races and your blood pressure shoots up. It does no one any good. So choose good, not bad.”

photograph courtesy of UNSPLASH/lee jane
Pause every time you are faced with a challenge.

On the importance of cleansing: “Go for the greens all the time. You can eat it or juice it. Include these in your market list: Leafy green veggies like Romaine lettuce, pechay, kamote tops, chayote tops, ampalaya (bitter melon), singkamas, carrots, sugar beets, spinach. When it comes to cleansing, this green juice concoction will help. Drink it three times daily. Invest in a juicer with the best extraction process.”

• Green juice
• Leafy greens (lettuce)
• Green apple
• Cucumber
• Kamote tops

“This will address the following conditions: Constipation, skin allergies, overweight problems.”

Photograph courtesy of unsplash/drahomir posteby mach
JUICING green apples addresses constipation, skin allergies, and overweight problems.

On the importance of good nutrition: “Give more importance to eating vegetables. The less processed your food, the better. Whole foods include complex carbohydrates, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Lessen sugar intake and stop eating junk foods and carbonated drinks. Make your own fresh fruit juices (minus the sugar) at home. Minimize meat intake.”

Optimum health: “Drop the bad habits. No to smoking or drinking, overthinking and stressing. Manage your stress levels through prayer and meditation. Do a sambong herbal sauna at home. This helps to detoxify the body. You can also try skin brushing for lymphatic drainage support. Activate glutathione production through coffee colon cleansing.”

Photograph courtesy of UNSPLASH/alina karpenko
Invest in a juicer with the best extraction process.

There is so much more to Dr. Omar. A private consultation with him will definitely open your eyes to the innate abilities we all have to heal. But it begins with the choices we make. When asked if it is ever too late to reverse one’s health condition. You know the answer to that one.

For free consultation, call: +639178985319.

Affirmation: “I claim a miracle today.”

Love and light.

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