What to do when…

Everyday wellness tips and little remedies can go a long way in maintaining your health and well-being. Here are a few more self-help reminders to consider.

You are drained

  • When you are losing your vitality or your energy levels are at an all-time low, do not panic. Wherever you are, do this.
  • Stop whatever it is you are doing.
  • Find a quiet corner anywhere.
  • Sit still. Be one with the stillness.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Inhale, exhale slowly. Focus on your breath. Inhale in six counts, hold three counts, exhale in six counts.
  • Block all thoughts.
  • Place your right hand on your chest nearest the heart. Hold still for 10 seconds.
  • Pat your chest gently 10 times with your right hand to give it an energizing boost.
  • Speak reassuring words to yourself. “You are alright.” “All is well.” “My heart is whole and healed.” “I am recharged.”

You are too tired to sleep

This could be caused by physical exertion during the day or a stressful schedule at work. Overthinking about a problem can also cause you to stay awake even if you feel sleepy.

  • Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes. There is a way to calm the mind through the Silva method or any form of simple meditative techniques.
  • Listen to relaxing music.
  • Don’t force yourself to go to sleep.
  • Read a book.
  • Take melatonin as prescribed by your doctor. Anywhere from 3-10mg will do 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Stop any gadget exposure as the blue light can stimulate your brain to stay awake.
  • Drink a cup of Valerian Root tea before bedtime.
  • Have a warm magnesium foot soak. This delivers magnesium, the natural muscle relaxant through the soles of your feet. The results are immediate relief and relaxation.  Consider Pro-Mag 300, a transdermal magnesium hydroxide supplement. Available at Mercury Drug, Shopee and Lazada.

Your mouth is dry

This may mean that you are already dehydrated.

  • Drink two glasses of lukewarm water immediately. Sip slowly. Don’t gulp it down.
  • Have a pitcher of water beside you as a reminder to drink one full glass of water every hour on the hour.
  • Put a pinch of sea salt on your tongue before drinking the water. Note: It must be sea salt and not table salt.
  • Have salads and fruits daily to stay hydrated.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF UNSPLASH/bryony elena | EAT salads and fruits to stay hydrated.
  • For every cup of coffee or tea you consume, drink the equivalent amount of water right after. This is to replace the loss of water after any caffeinated drink.

A pimple suddenly appears on your face

  • Place a small piece of cotton dipped in tea tree oil with VCO (virgin coconut oil) over the affected area.
  • Hydrate. Increase water consumption.
  • Dab a cotton with a little ethyl alcohol on the pimple.
  • A stubborn pimple may need an anti-bacterial cream. Consult your doctor.
  • See a dermatologist for regular cleaning.

Affirmation: “My star is shining brightly.”

Love and Light.

  • Turn off all the lights in the bedroom. A dark room is best for good sleep.

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