Manila LGU reports low turnout of health workers for bivalent vaccine

The local government of Manila has reported Thursday a low turnout in the number of health workers availing of the bivalent vaccines in the city.

Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna informed media during the monthly forum of the Manila City Hall Reporters’ Association (MACHRA). Dubbed  “MACHRA’S Balitaan”, Lacuna said that the city’s allocation of 32,000 doses from the national government is relatively small, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of takers.

It will be recalled that Lacuna, a doctor herself, led the rollout of the bivalent vaccines at the Sta. Ana Hospital where she jabbed hospital director Dr. Grace Padilla, among others.  It turns out a lot of medical health workers have still not gotten booster shots, a prerequisite for the bivalent vaccine.

Lacuna explained that the bivalent vaccine is considered a third booster, and as such, one needs to have both first and second booster shots completed first. The mayor has discussed the issue with the city’s health cluster, and they decided that they will give it a week before the bivalent vaccines will be given to the next group on the priority list,  the senior citizens. 

She attributed the lack of interest to get the bivalent shots to the fact that restrictions have been eased greatly along with the World Health Organization lifting the public health emergency status on Covid-19.

Lacuna said the city government of Manila maintains its ‘open policy’ that even those residing outside of Manila may avail of the shots if they belong to the approved qualified groups.  But the lady mayor is still appealing to front liners from the health sector to avail of the bivalent vaccines as she herself did because it confers an extra layer of protection for them, their families, and their patients as well.

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