How to nurse a cold naturally

When the season of rain comes, there is one health challenge we all accept as a realistic outcome — the common cold and with it, the cough.

Here is a list of natural remedies you might consider in order to feel just a little bit better.

 1. Hydration. In order to speed up detoxification, you need to increase your water intake. Water keeps the blood flowing more efficiently, so drink up! Normally, a state of illness can turn the body acidic, so you may want to consider taking alkaline water. But if you are taking any kind of medication, drink it with acidic or neutral pH water (for better absorption). Take 10-15 glasses daily.

 2. Vitamin C. Go for vitamin C IV drip if you do not like swallowing pills. Or buy the effervescent tablets and drink up on this immune-boosting vitamin. Orally, you may take anywhere from 1,000-5,000 mg of vitamin C after a meal. It is best to take vitamins with meals for longer absorption. Intravenous drips can range from 5,000 to 10,000 mg under the supervision of a doctor.

 3. Hot soup. There is nothing like old-fashioned chicken soup. Yes, it does hit the spot. Go for organic or free-range chicken if your budget permits.

 4. Ginger tea. This soothing tea can be brewed at home. You can boil it for five minutes or grate the fresh ginger and mix it with boiling water. Make sure you remove the fiber as it can tickle the throat and cause you to cough. If you feel chilly, the best way to warm up the body is with a cup of hot ginger tea. No sugar added.

Ginger Tea


 5.Honey. This is high in anti-bacterial properties. One teaspoon of wild, raw honey is calming for the throat. If you are looking for powerful immune-boosting honey, try Manuka Honey. Its anti-bacterial capacity is based on its MGO or methylglyoxal.



Note: The higher the MGO rating, the stronger its anti-bacterial properties.

Guide: 250-700 MGO is best. Look for the UMF stamp which states it is a Unique Manuka Factor as certified by New Zealand authority.

 6. Humidifier. This releases steam. It may alleviate congestion, symptoms of allergies/ rhinitis/sinusitis. It will increase the humidity in the air. It may help loosen mucus and alleviate a dry, unproductive cough.

 7. Supplements. A) Echinacea. This herb may shorten the duration of the common cold and reduce symptoms of sore throat and cough. It helps boost the immune system. B) Quercetin. This compound comes from onions. It may reduce inflammation, ease allergies and lower blood pressure. Health experts believe it has powerful anti-cancer, anti-heart disease properties. (Recommendation: Not to be taken longer than 12 weeks.)

 8. Herb power. Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, Garlic, Horseradish, Ginger, Red Clover, Lemongrass and Licorice Root. These come in capsule form or tea. Go to a health food store. Note: Check with your doctor for any drug interactions if you are on medication.

 9. Essential Oils. The essence of plants is in their essential oils. Just one drop goes a long way towards the relief you are seeking. Doterra is a widely renowned brand respected for its high-quality essential oils. Tri-Ease blend, a powerful combination of lemon and peppermint, was designed to deliver relief from a cold or chronic rhinitis.

Other powerful blends include the immune-boosting On Guard with frankincense. For free lifestyle consultation, contact Espie Pasigan at 0939-1228780.

 10. Movement. Don’t keep still for too long. Your lymphatic system needs to do its job. The lymph can only move through the body every time you are active.  So, move!

Affirmation: “I invoke perfect healing and optimum health.”

Love and light!

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