Q&A time

Every now and then, I accommodate your questions and reply with answers supported by several respected experts in the field of medicine covering several specializations in health, wellness and beauty. Here are some of your most-asked questions:

Q: How can I achieve a beautiful complexion?

According to experts and this includes the likes of the iconic dermatologist Dr. Vermin Verallo of VMV Cosmetics and the respected Dr. Maryjane Torres of Zen Institute, one of the best ways is to give your skin a good and strong foundation. And they do not mean makeup. Nutrition is the key to great skin. Take a good look at your food choices. Find ways to improve your lifestyle by focusing on the following:

1.) Nutrient-dense diets. Draw up a meal plan that includes a vitamin-mineral-enzyme rich diet. These diets normally contain generous portions of fresh fruits and vegetables.

photograph courtesy of unsplash/engin akyurt | Drink anywhere from 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. Dehydration is one of the major causes of bad skin.

2.) Hydration. Good skin is always clear and dewy in appearance. It is important to stay hydrated. Drink anywhere from 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. Dehydration is one of the major causes of bad skin.

3.) Sleep. When you are sleep-deprived, it will reflect on the quality of your skin. Try to sleep before 11 pm each night. Anywhere from seven to eight hours of quality sleep contributes to a better complexion.

4.) Supplement. Consider taking supplements like vitamin C (the skin vitamin), at least 500 to 2,000 milligrams daily during meals, zinc (30 milligrams,) vitamin D3 (400 to 800 IU), vitamin B complex, and glutathione (500 milligrams). Consult your doctor.

5.) Exercise. Sweat it out in order to detoxify the body. Exercise improves blood circulation which the skin is dependent on for good health.

6.) Sun protection. Exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun can damage your skin. Always wear a safe and effective sunblock with SPF 50 minimum.

photograph courtesy of venus HD make-up & perfume | find a skin-friendly makeup line.

7.) Skin-friendly makeup. Try to find a makeup line that is chemical-/heavy-metal-free.

8.) Visit your dermatologist. Once a month go for basic cleaning and hydrating treatments.

Q: What is the best weight loss plan?

Popular lifestyle coaches Jim and Toni Saret (of the TV series The Biggest Loser, Philippine version) agree that the best and easiest way is a comprehensive approach to weight loss โ€” diet and exercise. Add another component, a capital D for discipline. Nothing is gained if you start now and give up the next day. The success stories of their biggest losers are built on consistency and resolve. Their basic philosophy is founded on the principle of โ€œBurn those calories.โ€ For one-on-one consultation, call +639178922334.

photograph courtesy of unsplash/jade stephens | Sweat it out in order to detoxify the body.

Q: Are there non-invasive treatments for a natural face lift?

One of the most sought-after plastic surgeons is Dr. Nap Toledo. He is hailed for his โ€œmagic hands.โ€ Known for his dramatic ugly-duckling-to-swan transformations, his aesthetic approaches are inspired by the best of Korean and he is adept at various state-of-the-art techniques for lifting and anti-aging from Europe and the US. It is not surprising why Toledomed is at the top of the list of aspiring beauty queens, actresses and artists in the country. Toledomed has centers in Makati, Mckinley Hill, Cebu, Davao, General Santos City and Koronadal. For free consultation, call +639228441298, +639175085438 or 0285502601.

Q: Is there a magic pill for de-stressing?

There is no one pill, according to Dr. Perry Noble, respected neurologist from Makati Medical Center. But he does reveal that one of the best ways to lower the risk of having a stroke is to minimize and manage stress levels. Here are a few suggestions:

1.) Know your stressors. Identify them. Try to avoid contact with them.

2.) Respect your relaxation time. Do not overwork yourself. When you feel that you are close to โ€œlosing it,โ€ stop whatever it is you are doing. Take a walk. Breathe. Take a break.

3.) Get enough good sleep.

4.) Exercise daily.

5.) Eat healthy.

6.) Laugh more.

7.) Surround yourself with friends, especially family.

8.) Listen to soothing music. Take up a new hobby that gives you joy.

9.) Let go of grudges. Lighten the burden of your heart.

10.) Pamper yourself. Do things that make you happy.

Affirmation: โ€œHappiness is my companion.โ€

Love and light.


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