Wellness Reminders

It seems that the world is in a state of catching up. Again, we find ourselves in a hurry to live life after an abrupt and unexpected interruption of two years.

They say that old habits die hard. But do they? For some, these bad habits have been replaced with a few good ones. So, here are a few reminders that may be helpful to many of us who intend to live as much of life as we can and in a manner as relevant as possible.

  1. Purpose. One embraces a reality — that time is in perpetual motion. What is here and now becomes all the more precious. Thus, it is vital to dedicate each day with meaning. Value every moment. Make it matter to yourself and to those that matter in your life. There is no time to waste.
  2. Plan. Prepare a plan for yourself. Organizing yourself helps you to focus on your life goals — whatever they may be. Assuming it’s to take better charge of your health, then it is time to get serious.
  3. Vigilance. Monitor yourself well by making sure you watch your weight. This is because those extra pounds can easily add up when you are not paying attention. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning. You can do this every two weeks. A weight gain of one or two pounds is nothing alarming. It could just be water weight. Remember that if you are weight training, then weight gain is expected. Muscle is heavier than fat.
  4. Exercise regularly. Choose an activity that is not stressful or demanding. If you do not enjoy it, then find another form of exercise that motivates you to be committed to your goal. Try swimming or ballroom dancing for a change. Remember, the general rule is to be active.
  5. Control binge-watching. The TV screen can be so tempting. Reduce the screen time. The downside of this is sitting down for too long. Do not binge watch without getting up every 20 minutes. Your circulation is compromised every time you are seated.
  6. Go easy on the alcohol. While a glass or two of red wine is good for the heart, beyond this amount could be detrimental to one’s health. Ladies, the maximum amount is two glasses. Gentlemen, your limit is three servings.
  7. Sugar break. Can you wean yourself from sugar? Have you ever tried to stop the sweets for just a day? If you did, then it is so much easier to extend that sugar-fast for one week then a month until it becomes a good habit.
  8. Stress-related conditions. Your emotions can affect your health. A person who is anxious most of the time can get sick as often too. So, when you are down, the tendency is stress-eating or not eating at all. Control your emotions to control your weight gain — or weight loss.
  9. Re-stock your fridge. This could be lots of fun. Health-conscious persons are able to alter the contents inside their fridge. Add more color to your food choices like green, yellow, red and purple. That’s why they call it rainbow foods.
  10. Favorite beverage. You might be thinking of carbonated drinks. Wrong. Think water, plain and simple.
  11. Sleep regularly. Your sleep should follow a regular regimen. Try to sleep at the same time each night. And never let the night pass without sleeping. You may consider adjusting your bedtime hours earlier each night. Tonight could be midnight; tomorrow it is 11 p.m. Keep going until you reach a 10 p.m. bedtime hour.

Affirmation: “I am unstoppable.”

Love and Light.

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