Puddy Rock: Educational music channel

Musicians and podcasters Jim Bacarro and Saab Magalona believe there’s no bonding experience as fulfilling as listening to music with their children Pancho, 3, and Vito, 2.

Inspired by their kids’ enthusiastic response to their homemade songs, Jim and Saab are now sharing their creations in a music channel, Puddy Rock, with the public.

Jim and Saab Bacarro are now sharing with the public their creations in a music channel, Puddy Rock.

Puddy Rock started as songs the couple sang to Pancho and Vito, unknowingly building a world featuring diverse characters.

“We saw how our kids loved the songs. We decided to share it with everyone,” the couple explained.

The music channel features nursery rhymes for learning and promoting inclusivity. With newfound Animal Friends like Arfist the Dog, Jonesy the Cat, and Waffy the Giraffe, enjoying music has never been this fun.

Kids can learn the alphabet and math creatively.


In collaboration with online content creator and merch brand Linya-Linya, the characters are brought to life.

“We saw the opportunity to create original Filipino content that is more accessible to parents and kids, so we decided to take the opportunity to work on this special project,” said Linya-Linya cofounder and creative director Ali Sangalang.

The world of Puddy Rock is open to everyone. The only requirement? Just be yourself!

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