Drug bust nets 2 teens

SUBIC TOWN, Zambales — Police here have arrested two teenagers for trying to sell about 50 grams of suspected shabu to undercover cops.

The suspects aged 16 and 14 were nabbed when they took the marked money from the police posing as buyer in Purok 6, Barangay Calapacuan, according to Police Officer Mahsor Ador Tayag.

Also seized from the two suspects were a bundle of boodle money along with the marked money and a cellular phone.

The markings and inventory were conducted at the Calapacuan Barangay Hall and witnessed by the media, barangay officials and a Department of Justice representative.

The arrested suspects were apprised of their constitutional rights in a dialect which they fully understood and are temporarily under the custody of the police unit for proper disposition and filing of charges against them.

The drug bust operation was conducted by joint elements of the Philippine National Police-Drug Enforcement Group’s Special Operations Unit 3 team, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Regional Office 3, Provincial Drug Enforcement Unit Zambales and Station Drug Enforcement Unit Subic Police Station.

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