Welcome, ali, our dream turkish tour specialist

The joy of dream vacations, whether they be domestic or foreign, recent or once upon a time — can always be replayed in our minds countless times any time we want.

The gang’s all here at Marian Miranda’s lovely home.

On a trip to Turkey with travel industry friends from Cebu, our visit was made even more wonderful by the warm hospitality of Ali Ulucay, tour specialist of Telescope International Travel, as we slowly got to know him throughout our 11-day exploration of the country.

Ali Ulucay with Cebu’s top travel specialists.

He simply could not believe that our traveling group, who came from an island in the Philippines named Cebu, was brimming with smiles, fun, warmth, hospitality and generosity throughout the tour.
Before we parted ways, he promised that, sooner than later, he was going to return the visit.

Fritzi Lim and Angel Llanos.

It was a promise that got fulfilled not long after. Ali took time off from his busy schedule to fly over to our special home to boost relations with Cebuano tour specialists.

Another birthday celebrator. Bruce Chan with wife Cookie.
Marget Villarica with birthday celebrator.

To welcome Ali, Marget Villarica of Destination Specialists hosted an intimate dinner at her sprawling residence in Beverly Hills. Guests brought their specialty dishes made from heirloom recipes for everyone to savor and enjoy. The fellowship continued with singing and dancing throughout the evening.

Marget Villarica, Diana Ledesma, Marian Miranda
Sheila Colmenares

Just two days after, Ali was the recipient of yet another act of hospitality as bubbly avid traveler Marian Miranda hosted a boodle lunch. Spread out on banana leaves were Cebu’s famous lechon, scrumptious seafood, grilled treats, and homemade desserts, among other favorites.

photographs courtesy of ali Ulucay
Ali Ulucay, birthday celebrator.

The holiday was doubly special because it coincided with Ali’s birthday — happy occasions rolled into one that would certainly be part of our memories.

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