Risa won’t acknowledge Cayetano

Opposition Senator Risa Hontiveros on Wednesday said she will continue to work as part of the Commission on Appointments as a member of the minority, however, she said that she would not recognize Senator Alan Peter Cayetano as the body’s minority leader.

“I don’t consider myself under his Minority leadership because the origin was wrong. If the root was wrong or it came from a lie, I think the fruit will not be good as well, Hontiveros said in a virtual press conference.

“I will continue to work as a responsible and constructive member of the Senate’s minority and of the opposition outside the Senate in the Commission on Appointments, especially since the President has many appointees that need to be screened by CA before they can be confirmed and fulfill their duties,” she added.

Cayetano, who is one of the two-members of the independent bloc, was elected as the CA’s minority leader during the body’s first plenary session.

Hontiveros explained that she decided not to object to the nomination for Cayetano to be the CA’s minority leader because she was aware that the process was not correct.

“I did not ruin the process, including his oath-taking but since it started in a wrong way, it has become the result. In conscience, I cannot work under him as the minority leader of the CA,” she said.

The lady lawmaker clarified that she has nothing against Cayetano, however, she insisted that rules should be followed to avoid such scenarios.

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