PSG intensifies security efforts on PBBM, VIPs

The Presidential Security Group has intensified its efforts in protecting The Presidential Security Group has intensified its efforts in protecting President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and the First Family.

The PSG, in a recent social media post, announced that it has formed two classes for its Very Important Person Training Program, ensuring the “360-degree protection” of the President and his family.

The VIP Protection Course training program began on Thursday, 24 August, at the PSG Grandstand inside Malacañang Park in Manila.

“The VIPPC is a highly-specialized professional service course that is offered to the PSG troopers who are dedicated to ensuring a 360-degree protection of the President, his immediate family, as well as visiting heads of state or government,” the PSG explained.

The VIPPC covered various aspects of operations, such as marksmanship, close-in security, security task action group, combat, physical fitness, and field training exercises.

To test the trainees’ overall strength and stamina, the PSG troopers underwent several physical activities on the first day of the training program.

The PSG disclosed that Actor Matteo Guidicelli of the Philippine Army Reserve Command is among the trainees.

“It is the first in PSG’s VIPPC history that a celebrity reservist will join this specialized training,” the PSG said.

Guidicelli also completed the month-long Scout Ranger Orientation and Leadership Development Course at Camp Tecson in San Miguel, Bulacan in June 2019.

The President has recognized PSG’s task as something that “goes beyond its stated mission of protecting the First Family and foreign dignitaries.”

He stressed that it must also defend the institution of the presidency.

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