Vendor of sex toys falls

Operatives of the Manila Police District have arrested a 33-year-old vendor of sex gadgets and “performance-enhancing” tablets at the Raon footbridge across Quezon Boulevard and fronting Gonzalo Puyat Street.

Lendon Sanchez will be charged with violating Presidential Decree 969 prohibiting the sale of obscene or immoral products, in relation to Republic Act 8092 on illegal vending and obstruction of public places.

Retrieved from Sanchez, a resident of Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City, were three packs of penile rings, several pieces of alleged sex-enhancing tablets, and P1,550 in sale proceeds.

The Manila police team headed by P/Maj. Dave Garcia also conducted operations against vendors of similar obscene materials and gadgets at Rizal Avenue.

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