Kidnap try in Caloocan fake

Just another prank call on 911.

The fantastic story caused quite a stir, of a girl supposed to have almost been abducted by a white-van-riding bad guys in Caloocan but was–too well helas!–also found to be almost true.

The post that details the foiled kidnapping that’s supposed to have happened in Barangay 162 gained nationwide attention, and aggravated already seething paranoia that has practically kept people, especially girls, inside their homes in broad daylight.

A thorough investigation, and then an admission. The girl has kept authorities on their feet and their eyes peeled to prevent another potential Jovelyn Galleno.

The mother of the victim sent a written apology. (Eyes on your daughter please.)

A proper counsel is on the way.

“We are also begging the public to be critical of the news and what is read, especially on Facebook. Also, do not spread false information that could start panic,” according to Mayor Along Malapitan.

The local government also mobilized its men to man the points to deter crime and make safety palpable in times of perceived spate of kidnappings.

Line is always open: (02) 8362-3291; (Smart) 0949-822-8814; (Globe) 0995-261-2058.

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