DITO hurdles third audit

DITO Telecommunity, a Dennis A. Uy-led firm that broke the industry duopoly of Globe and PLDT, has passed its third government-mandated technical audit that measures its compliance with its network coverage and internet speed commitments.

“DITO expressed satisfaction with the recent advice from the NTC (National Telecommunications Commission) that it has passed the third technical audit as required in the CPCN (Certificate of public convenience and necessity),” DITO chief administrative officer Atty. Adel A. Tamano said Thursday night.

“We continue to abide by — and even exceed — our commitments to the government to improve speed and coverage in the telecom sector and bring real competition for the benefit of Filipino consumers,” he added.

As part of the issuance of its CPCN in July 2019, DITO Telecommunity needs to record 70.01 percent network reach with a minimum speed of 55 Mbps in the third year of its commitment period.

However, in a notice dated 8 September, the NTC said that based on the findings of independent auditor R.G. Manabat & Co., DITO surpassed its commitment targets. The notice was signed by NTC commissioner Gamaliel Cordova and deputy commissioners Ella Blanca Lopez and Jon Paulo Salvahan.

Citing audit findings, the NTC said the third telco exceeded the required coverage as it already covered 72.39 percent of the national population. It has also delivered 71.77 Mbps and 801.19 Mbps minimum average broadband speeds for all 4G and 5G sites, respectively.

If DITO fails to fulfill its commitments on time, the government forfeits, in its favor, the P25.7 billion performance bond that DITO paid before construction activities.

DITO has promised to cover 84 percent of the Philippines and offer a minimum average speed of at least 55 Mbps by the end of its commitment.

The company recently reported that it had already hit its annual base subscribers target of 12 million as early as August.

The telco player set the target by year-end but attained it in less than a year and a half. With more than 5,500 cellular towers built, DITO Telecommunity has increased its coverage to over 600 cities and municipalities.

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