LTFRB hands down 2 reso on fees

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board has issued two Board Resolutions in response to transport operators’ appeal to waive their penalty payments imposed by the agency.

According to LTFRB chairperson Cheloy Garafil, the Board passed on Friday night Board Resolution 163, extending the September 2022 deadline for public utility vehicle operators to file their Supervision Fees until December of this year.

“We are extending the filing of supervision fees for our PUVs. Instead of expiring this September, we will extend it until December 2022, so there will be no penalties first,” Garafil told reporters on Sunday via Zoom.

According to her, the application for Extension of Validity of Expired Certificate of Public Conveyance with an expiry date of 1 March to 30 September this year, as well as non-confirmation of units covered by the 1 March to 30 September period, will be granted only if the payment of penalties, including the Supervision Fee, are filed no later than 31 December 2022.

The same goes with non-filing Income Tax Return/Audited Financial Statement from 2019 to 2021 and non-registration of a unit from private to for-hire from 2020 to 2021.

The application fee for extending the validity of an expired CPC is P510 for the first two units and P70 for each additional unit. If drivers and operators fail to file the transaction within the extended period, the penalties would be P10,000 per unit, with the exception of passenger jeepneys, which will be penalized P5,000 per unit.

The payment and penalty for non-confirmation of PUVs are (P200 Confirmation Certificate Sticker + P40 Confirmation Fee), and the Supervision Fee is P70 for every vehicle under two tons, P140 for units under three tons, P210 for units over three tons but not over four tons, and P90 for units over four tons.

Likewise, there is a P500 payment or penalty for non-filing ITR and AFS and P250 for non-registration of a unit from private to for-hire.

According to Garafil, the agency would extend the Supervision Fee payment and postpone the penalties to consider the suffering that PUV operators and the transportation sector experienced from the pandemic.

The LTFRB’s Board Resolution 164 Series 2022, meanwhile, would extend the validity of vehicles operating as PUV.

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