Attracting grace

Grace attracts the gifts of love, goodness, and opportunity. In short, situations just seem to get better and better each day. Could this be chance or fate? Or could this be the fruits of my own desires? So, how does one invoke more  blessings? Here are a few tips culled from the minds and hearts of experts in the field of positivity and prosperity. This is the stuff of self-help books and we can pick up a few pointers to help brighten our prospects.

So, whether it is about better job opportunities, a fatter bank account, a kind and loving partner in life, more genuine friends or simply more blissful days ahead, focusing on the positive will help tremendously.

1. Change your vibe. It begins with one thought. You are always in control whether you realize it or not. This means being more aware of your thoughts and feelings. When you are swaying towards the negative, stop yourself. Then change course. Always choose positive.

2. Make positive the only option. There is no compromise, no alternative. Make positive the only choice. Say that to yourself. It’s the law.

Photograph courtesy of pexels lina kivaka
A person’s mindset helps in attracting grace.

3. Spend time with positive people. Stay away as much as you can from negative people. Set your boundaries and limit your contact with people who are bitter, angry and vengeful.

4. Focus on the light and right side of life. Feeling lighter needs work. It also boils down to choices. When you cut out toxic people and situations, there is an instant lifting effect from within.

5. Daily affirmations. Changing your attitude is brought about by declaring your affirmations daily. This has to be a regular routine. Do not skip a single day.

6. Surround yourself with a good circle of friends. You will require a strong support system. Toxic people will only bring you down. Be in the company of happy and goal-oriented individuals. These are the same people whom you can rely on.

7. Get out there. You cannot isolate yourself from life. Put yourself out there. In this way, you will attract more of everything. Ultimately, it is still up to you to filter your experiences – whether good or bad.

8. Stay open. Do not close the doors to your heart. You attract more possibilities with every new encounter.

9. Be grateful. An appreciative heart attracts more things to be thankful for. So, give thanks.

10. Set your goals. You need a sense of direction. This will set the stage for your purpose to become more relevant. To be purposeful will give you a reason to build your life with meaning.

11. Learn to detoxify. Oftentimes, there is a build-up of your past hurts and traumas. Try to claim your  ease and peace of  mind through cleansing rituals like, meditation, music/dance therapy, prayer, exercise and that all important me-time. Unload your schedule. Go lighter. Better yet, go on a one week hiatus from all the noise.

12. Practice smiling more often. Do you know that a smile attracts good vibes? It’s much better than a frown.

13. Try not to take anything too seriously. If things do not turn out the way you expected them to, tell yourself that it’s okay. This is because, there will be better days ahead for you when you take matters in a calm manner.

14. Drop the regret. Lamenting over the past will create a negative environment for you. Let it go. It is not easy. But you can do it. You must move on when you are ready.

15. Stop worrying. Don’t worry about the future. Today is the day that matters. Make today count. Live it. celebrate it.

Affirmation: “All is well for me beginning today.”

Love and light.

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