Freestyle: From band to brand

Freestyle and Top Suzara recently launched their own merchandise at an event dubbed “Freestyle: Giving It All This Time… And More.”

At the event, Suzara unveiled Freestyle as a brand touching on a wider range of entertainment products, such as advertising services leveraging the band’s music, merchandise, forays into digital media, and other projects in the pipeline.

“We know that Freestyle as a brand has a lot more to offer because we’re passionate about telling stories that touch on people’s feelings and sentiments. We want to take that capacity for storytelling further, not just through songs, but also through other products and services. We know that, in the digital era, we’re competing for eyeballs and seconds of attention, but we still believe that good stories can stand out,” Suzara said.

TOP Suzara

“Of course, we will always go back to the core, to our music. We’re excited to have upcoming collaborations with other Filipino artists, and we’re thrilled to take the stage again to share these connected, intimate moments with our fans and audiences.”

Its discography includes the hits “Before I Let You Go,” “So Slow,” “This Time,” “Till I Found You,” “Para Sa Yo,” its rendition of “Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang?,” and “Once in a Lifetime.”

Nearly three decades since forming in 1996, Freestyle perform on 20 October at 19 East.

Upcoming tours, concerts, and other updates will be announced on

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