Finding light in darkness

In prison, freedom can be a privilege conferred in old age. Many, however, can have misgivings about rejoining society. Can a person be truly free when he or she has been forgotten?

Some 60 aging Persons Deprived of Liberty awaiting release from the New Bilibid Prison recently received a gift that would help them reintegrate into society and their families — free cataract surgery.

Doctors from the Tzu Chi Eye Center, part of a charity organization founded on Buddhist principles, extended free optical treatment and surgery to give the PDLs fresh eyes, in partnership with the Bureau of Corrections and Daily Tribune.

Since 2007, Tzu Chi has conducted eye-surgical missions that have benefited over 115,000 patients from disadvantaged and marginalized communities.

Tzu Chi Eye Center, a benevolent network of Buddhist doctors who extend free optical treatment and surgery, has given the elderly cons a fresh pair of eyes to help them find meaning in their life — or what’s left of it.

Founded by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in 1966, the Tzu Chi Foundation has been at the forefront of community volunteerism, environmental protection, the promotion of human values, and the undertaking of charity, medical, and educational missions.

Meanwhile, Bureau of Corrections Director General Gregorio Catapang thanked the Tzu Chi Foundation for extending to PDLs high-quality medical eye care that the BuCor can’t afford.

Its unwavering commitment to providing high-quality medical eye care to PDLs has touched the hearts of many.

In a world where resources can be limited, the Tzu Chi Foundation has emerged as a beacon of hope, bridging the gap and uplifting the spirits of those overlooked by society. The selfless dedication to the well-being of PDLs serves as a powerful reminder that acts of kindness have the remarkable ability to transform lives.

Through benevolent actions, Tzu Chi has shown that no matter the circumstances, every individual deserves access to compassionate care and a chance at a better future, through collaboration that serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when people come together in the spirit of unity and compassion.

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