Nearly 10K cops deployed

Metro Manila local government units, as well as the National Capital Region Police Office, geared up Sunday for a smooth opening of schoolyear 2022-2023 today for over 2.2 million learners in the capital region.

Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna ordered the Manila Police District to heighten police visibility around schools and to put up police assistance desks. She cited the need to ensure the safety and security of students and teachers from criminal elements.

In all, 79 police assistance desks shall be in place in various public elementary and high schools, as well as the colleges and universities in Manila, the MPD led by P/Brig. Gen. Andre Dizon told Lacuna.

Focus will also be on Manila’s University Belt which hosts the biggest of the 215 learning institutions in the city. There are 107 elementary and high schools in Manila.

Lacuna said cops should also arrest drug pushers who would try to find new buyers within the student population.

In Caloocan, the city government’s building officials inspected schools, including those privately owned, to ensure their structural integrity.

Among those checked by a team led by Engr. Jay Bernardo were the University of the
East-Caloocan, STI-Caloocan, World Citi College and La Consolation College.

“Mayor Along Malapitan asked us to ensure the integrity of the infrastructure that the students will use especially since we have not had face-to-face classes for a long time,” Bernardo said.

“In this way, according to our mayor, disasters can be avoided in the event of a calamity,” he added.

Elsewhere in the National Capital Region like in Makati, Pasig, Taguig and Pasay, local government and school officials conducted
last-minute checks on the readiness of the schools that would be welcoming students back.

Meanwhile, acting NCRPO chief P/Brig. Gen. Jonnel Estomo said their deployment of police officers in and around schools will be year-round, even as the police office will be distributing free school supplies to indigent students.

“Balik Eskwela 2022” of the NCRPO will be securing 1,342 public and private schools through 9,731 police officers, 4,530 force multipliers and 2,994 security guards.

A total of 521 police assistance desks will be in place metro-wide manned by 1,653 policemen.

Over 370 tactical motorcycle riders, 60 bus marshalls and 154 policemen in transport hubs will also be deployed, the NCRPO said.

Those in need of prompt police respond may call the NCRPO hotlines 0999-901-8181 and 0915-888-8181.

Paula Antolin and Cherk Balagtas

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